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Research: Market Activity
Written by Robert Abramson
Updated over a month ago

Market Activity provides a real-time view of critical activities in condos and resale buildings. You can see listings, reported contracts, and closed sales. You can also drill into each building and see the details of each event. Select filters to narrow your slice of the market, and use the unit checkboxes to choose the unit type.

You can also interact with the chart:

  • Time - Weekly or monthly

  • Sold Date - See sold activity by closed date or date recorded

  • Activity Type - Turn on or off - listings, contracts, and sales

  • Market Segment Toggle - Turn on or off - new dev, resale condo, and resale co-op

Pull the time selectors across to analyze specific timeframes. Expand to as long as five years, or drill down to a single week.

Scroll down to see the building and unit level activity details

The following video showcases an overview of the Market Activity.

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