Inventory is where you search for condo and co-op units across sponsor and resale stages (use the checkboxes to choose).
The location search bar allows you to target your search by entering a building name or address, neighborhood, or borough.
You can view the results in a list view (of all units) or a building view (grouped by building). In the building view, you can click to expand and see the units that match your search. You can visit the details for that unit by clicking again.
Narrow down by the building stage (more details on building stages here):
Sponsor Units - Units that are owned by the sponsor (have not been sold to buyers)
Resale Units - Units that have been sold (no longer owned by the sponsor)
Pipeline Units - Units that are planned or have been built but are not yet selling
Additional filters here are:
Status - Available (including active and shadow), Sold (including in contract and closed)
Ownership - Type of ownership, e.g., condo, co-op, or condop
Asking Price - Minimum and maximum
Asking PPSF - The price per square foot range for listed units
Bedrooms - Studios to 4 bedrooms +
Amenities - Filter by specific amenities offered by a property
Unit Type - Select if a unit is residential or commercial or if it is a storage unit, parking, or amenity space
Additional advanced filters are:
Baths - One bathroom to 4+
Interior SF - Less than 500 square feet to 4,000 or more square feet
Exterior SF - Has or doesn’t have outdoor space or the square footage range
Floors - Number of floors in a building
Sold Date - Choose a start and end date for your results
Contract Date - When unit in a building is under contract
Sold Price - Price unit in a building was sold for
Sold PPSF - The price per square foot range for closed units
Unit Number - Specific unit number
Special Pricing - If a unit is asking below the last sold price
Carrying Cost - Select a price range of what the carrying cost is associated with a unit
Owner Type - Original owner (never resold) or corporate owner (owned by an LLC or corporation)
Condo Units - Number of condo units within the building
Unsold Units - Select a range of how many total unsold units there are
Starting From - Lowest priced unit in the building
% Sold - Filter by all buildings that have or don’t have sales, by a percentage range of how much of the building is sold, or by buildings that are or aren’t sold out
Construction - Whether or not a building has a certificate of occupancy/is move-in ready
Offering Type - Whether the building is a new development, rehab, or conversion project
Condo Dec - Whether or not a building has a condo declaration, a breakdown of units, and commons spaces (more on that here)
Year Built - Specific time range of year of building is built
Sales Started - When did the building start sales
Offering Submitted - When was an offering plan submitted for the building
Offering Accepted - When an offering plan was accepted for the building
Offering Effective - When was the offering plan effective for the building
Building Last Listing - When was the last listing in the building
Building Last Sale - When was the last sale in the building
You can combine location search, filters, and advanced filters to meet various searches.